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Mindfulness Meditation

Thrive being your natural self!

Life can be stressful and challenging

Training your mind towards balance, clarity and compassion can make all the difference!




Mindfulness is paying attention to your experience in the present moment in a open and non-judgmental way.

Mindfulness training involves developing greater awareness of your day-to-day experience and relating to it in a way that is more constructive, intentional and nourishing. 

Mindfulness help you to see things with more clarity, openness and objectivity. It also helps you to be more in touch with your body, to savour the present moment more fully and have more moments of physical and mental rest in your day!

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Meditation Class

“Bringing mindfulness to daily life has been proven to boost your physical and psychological wellbeing, health and resilience!”

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Over 30 years of published research including neuroscience studies has provided scientific evidence for a wide range of benefits from mindfulness practice including:



Better sleep 

Reduced risk

and symptoms of diseases

Stronger immune system



Greater energy and

enthusiasm for life

Peace of mind.

More relaxation, enjoyment and savouring of the present moment




Better focus 


problem solving and memory.

Increased Resilience



More emotional

awareness in


More empathy

Being more fully present with others



Reduction on anxiety and stress

More self-esteem and self-confidence. 

Less self-criticism

Anyone can learn mindfulness

It is simple yet highly relevant to life

You can apply it anywhere and anytime

Benefits are proven

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The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

8-week Program


The MBSR is a 8-week program designed to help you cultivate mindfulness in daily life. It was developed by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD more than 30 years ago and since then has become highly acclaimed, widely known and the most researched mindfulness program.

The MBSR is an engaging and transformative course that takes you through 8 weeks of in-depth mindfulness cultivation and the how of applying it in daily life. It has a combination of gentle yoga, mindfulness meditation practices, mind/body exercises, group discussions, brief casual lectures, a full day retreat, and personal support to help you commit to the practice and experience the benefits of mindfulness.



Eight weekly classes of 2.5 hrs in which you will be guided through

a variety of mindfulness cultivating exercises (mindful yoga, mindfulness meditation, mindful walking, mindful eating and mindful communication), short didactic talks. All in a warm and supportive environment.




A comprehensive  workbook containing a wealth of information on bringing mindfulness to daily life that will inform you and help to deepen your learning. 


You will be provided with Mp3 of a variety of mindfulness practices to be listened to at home and will be encouraged to practice 6 times per week throughout the program.



Access to the teacher in person and via phone and email who

will give you tailored support and feedback to get the most out of the program and help establish a regular meditation practice.   



The program involves a full day retreat in a natural surrounding in which you will be taken through a variety of mindfulness practices to help you deepen your experience and enjoy a nourishing day.


A well-designed evidence-based program with more than 36 years of research confirming a range of positive psychological, emotional and physical outcomes. 



Term 1  - 26th of February - 7pm - 9:30pm

                     Tuesdays nights - 8-weeks

                     Robina Community​ Centre 



Term 2  - 7th of May - 7pm - 9:30pm

                     Tuesdays nights - 8-weeks

                     Robina Community​ Centre 


The course is instructed by an experienced and qualified mindfulness instructor with 19 years of meditation practice, two psychology degrees, professional associations, and a warm, grounded and supportive approach to teaching. Gustavo was a guest mindfulness teacher in the Mindfulness Summit, an international online event involving  250,000 people worldwide. 


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Celest Twikler, Jewelery Designer

“My experience was simply amazing! I was going through a lot at the time and it gave me the tools to deal with day-to-day challenges that felt overwhelming. The teaching was patient, attentive to others, clear, understanding, open, non-judgmental, it really was outstanding. I felt so welcomed and comfortable to feel whatever I was feeling, good or bad. I have taken all the skills I have learnt because you showed me it can work. Thank You! "

Dipti McGowan, Phd Candidate

"The list of things I got from mindfulness training is too long. The key things were being kind to myself and the very practical learning of how to manage pain and difficult experiences /situations. I also liked learning some of the theory and background details. Gus you are very clear and knowledgeable and you have a very sincere and caring approach to running the course. Thank you!"

Mattie Barker, Musician

Thank you so much for this amazing course! Every moment I feel alive with gratitude for the vitality that each new breath gives me. To be fully present and experience each moment, without judgement, is to be fully alive. You have helped me to realize this AMAR. I feel ever so grateful for your teaching, and clear and interactive sessions that have allowed me so much understanding and growth. Thank you lastly and masses of gratitude for our course presenter.

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Join in this experience...  

Move towards greater levels of balance, health and peace of mind in your life! 



Enrol now to secure your spot! 


Or contact us if you have any questions!



Reduce Stress and Anxiety & Have More Balance and Peace of Mind with Mindfulness Meditation


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