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A 12-week mindful self-mastery course & coaching to help you evolve into the most clear, wholesome and empowered version of yourself.

About Evolve

Evolve is for those who know there is a lot more to their potential but are currently feeling held back by internal fears and limitations.


Whether you want to overcome anxiety, share your gifts with the world, grow your business, create a joyful soul-aligned reality, or just be a more peaceful human being, Evolve helps you achieve that.


It is a program founded on Natural Laws where participants journey through many aspects of their psyche and heart, bringing awareness, healing and coherence, so that they can thrive in the truth of who they are!


Most people have an innate longing to actualise their potential and have a positive impact in the world, but face internal fears and a critical voice in their mind that sabotages their potential and dreams.


Without knowing how deal with unconscious limiting states, past traumas and draining emotions they feel anxious and stuck. This leads to feeling low in energy and a deep questioning of their abilities and if ever they will be able to achieve their dreams and live an authentic life.


Using a unique combination of self-mastery practices, mindfulness, timeless wisdom, and transformational hypnosis participants go through a process of mental and emotional release, development of inner tools and spirit-psyche integration so they can live with more self-mastery and embody the peace, love and power of their higher self.

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Hypnosis Healing & Expansion

Alongside the 12 weekly live calls and course content you will receive an in-depth one-on-one hypnosis/coaching process of 3 sessions with Jawai tailored to your specific challenges, needs and unique life vision.  


Identifying and replacing negative unconscious beliefs, energetic cleansing and empowerment in the truth of who you are.


Letting go of past hurts, emotional integration and resetting the nervous system back to safety and coherence.


Anchoring positive states, changing habits, and embodying your higher self and desired reality.

Working with Jawai

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Jawai Shamayim is a gifted and natural healer, hypnotherapist, psychotherapist, mindfulness teacher and transformational coach.


His core philosophy is that there is an innate intelligence and a fountain of love within every human being that guides us towards thriving and self-actualisation. When we do grounded inner work, cultivate a mindful and compassionate mind and align ourselves with these natural forces, we thrive and life becomes way more joyful, synchronistic and fulfilling. 


Over the past 23 years Jawai has been on an in-depth journey studying and training in many fields of healing and human potential including mindfulness, hypnosis, yoga, psychology (master of psychology), qigong, trauma healing and consciousness.


He is the founder of Innate Thriving and has worked with over 4,000 people in the past 12 years guiding them back home to themselves and to actualising their innate potential.   

Evolve is for you if:

  • Want to do more of what you love and have more time and freedom to enjoy your life!

  • Long to just be your natural self and express yourself with more confidence and ease.

  • Want to manage life's challenges and your state of being with more mastery, in the present moment so that you can enjoy life and achieve your goals.

  • Have a vision that excites you, like growing a heart-centred business, having a thriving practice, or launching a creative project and want to actualise it.

  • Want to overcome anxiety and self-doubt and be more confident and in flow.

  • Have a little voice in your mind that is critical and limits your potential and want to change it to self-love and self-belief.​​

  • Feel that you are here to evolve, actualise your potential, and live an incredibly joyful, authentic and abundant life.

  • Is ready to live in the present moment with more contentment, love and connection to the beauty of life.

If any of these resonate with you. The Evolve Journey is for you. Click on the link below and book a call to have a chat.



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"Jawai is a gifted healer of the mind. I find his hypnotherapy sessions and guided meditations especially profound. His genuine kindness, compassion and insight are so refreshing of the spirit. His high qualifications in psychology merge effectively into a wholistic approach to therapy. As someone who has sought and received help over decades from many practitioners, I am amazed at the beautiful simplicity, depth and effectiveness of my time with Jawai. "

Marie Craven

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I’ve just completed the thriving & mindfulness course. I must say, it has been life changing for me. Through meditation and mindfulness and learning to understand my own inner patterns of thinking I feel that I have been able to connect with my true self. During the course , the changes I have experienced have allowed me to open my heart, be my true myself again, nourish my relationships with loved ones and make new meaningful connections. Jawai Is the master of mindfulness! His experience and knowledge in this field surpasses any other teacher I have known. I wish I had this knowledge many years ago! I thoroughly recommend this course.

Dr Kylie Regli

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I had the most amazing hypnosis session of my life with Jawai! I’ve experienced a handful of hypnosis sessions, but this man is a true professional with a talent of an angel. I left our session feeling so good and so relaxed, with so much clarity and so much healing. Not only is he talented with his Hypnosis’ but he has a pure heart of gold. Honestly I just fell in love with him after the first minute. If anybody is looking for a real deal hypnosis session, then he is truly the person you wanna sign up with.

Monnet Babazadeh

Natural Thriving


All life has an innate intelligence for thriving and flourishing. In an adequate environment organisms follow this natural intelligence and flourish in their natural qualities and potential. Simply observe all living beings in nature and you will see that everything is growing and thriving on nature's intelligent design. 

Human beings are also equipped with a natural design for thriving - for being happy, healthy, joyful and free. These natural laws are intrinsic to our nervous system, physical and emotional needs and the nature of the mind and consciousness. Unfortunately, this fundamental knowledge is not taught in our society and millions of people suffer more than necessary. If we understand Human Nature and follow the core dynamics underlying Human Thriving, we live in health and happiness and actualise our potential. If we don't, we suffer and life becomes a struggle. 

Start your journey in EVOLVE and learn about these natural forces from key teachings of science, spirituality and ancient wisdom so you can align yourself with them, thrive being who you naturally are and live an incredibly joyful and abundant life.

Book a free call with Jawai now to explore what you would like to change and create in your life and learn more about how EVOLVE can help you in achieving that. Click on the link now to book your call. 


“Look deeply into nature and you will understand everything better”.
Albert Einstein

What's Included

Self-Mastery Tools
A variety of tools for self-regulation and conscious action that help you regain balance and clarity in the face of challenges.


Empowering self-assessment tools to gain insight into your strengths and challenges and create the “Map of the Self” so you can keep yourself at your best.
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Transformational Hypnosis
Individualised one on one hypnosis processes to help you heal past hurts, change habits, raise your frequency and embody your higher self. 

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Mindfulness Training
12 weeks of mindfulness meditation and guided support to help you calm your mind and become more mindful and connected.

Loving Support & Connection
Connect with a beautiful on-line community in a space of joy, compassion, wholeness and support.

Life-enriching Coaching, Practices & Workbook
12 weeks of weekly group coaching calls, a variety of daily practices and a rich workbook with wealth of knowledge on human thriving to help you rewire your brain, shift your energy and keep evolving in who you truly are

The Evolve Journey

In this innovative and transformative step-by-step program, you'll dive into a clear pathway for human thriving with new consciousness expanding practices, insights and tools each week to help you evolve into the peace, love and power of your higher self. Here is the modules by week:

1. Human Thriving
Get clear on your life's vision and your natural self and begin to align yourself with nature’s design for human thriving.

2. Mindfulness
Grow a daily meditation practice, calm your mind and bring mindfulness to your present moments.

3. The Power of Love
Open your heart to the power and frequency of love to heal and transform your life.

4. Abundant Energy
Activate energy in daily life and learn how to live with abundant health and energy.

5. Embracing Emotions
Learn the nature of emotions and how to best navigate and embrace them.

6. Healing Emotional Wounds
Understand the cause of your draining and limiting states and do focused healing inner work.

7. Authenticity, Virtues & Life Force
Uncover your strengths and learn the true power of authentic living.

8. Mindful Self-Mastery
Learn tools for calming yourself, regaining clarity and being at your best.

9. Relating with Love & Awareness
Learn to approach relationships with more understanding, love and wisdom.

10. Consciousness & Abundance

Explore that vast nature of consciousness and attune yourself with wholeness and abundance consciousness.
11. Nature's Blessings​
Return to being deeply connected to the beauty and sacredness of life and the healing power of nature.

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12. Soul Sovereignty & Freedom
Remember the sovereignty of your soul and open up to a living bravely with joy, creativity and freedom.

Cultivate the Qualities of a Thriving Human
Mindfulness - Self-awareness - Love - Virtues
Emotional Balance - Self-mastery - Vitality - Spontaneity - Creativity
Purpose - Connectedness - Sovereignty - Wholeness


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